The graduate has a thorough knowledge of historical facts, phenomena and processes from the Middle Ages to contemporary history, is able to apply them in his/her own research work, and is familiar with the institutional provision of historical research.
Graduates will find employment for example:
- in academia and other institutions dealing with science, research, development and innovation,
- in the field of heritage protection,
- in archiving, and
- in museums.
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Máš zájem o historii, cizí jazyky, humanitní studia, literaturu, filosofii, religionistiku nebo sociální antropologii?
Dveře naší fakulty otevřeme v pátek 2. února 2024 od 10:00 do 17:00 hod.
Navštivte největší vzdělávací veletrh v ČR. Čeká Vás setkání se studenty Fakulty filozofické. S úsměvem zodpovíme Vaše dotazy a předáme Vám zkušenosti se studiem.
Courses taken by the first-year students this year
Graduates and references
What scholarships can you get
Tuition fees
Full-time study
Full-time study has a fixed schedule on weekdays during mornings and/or afternoons. As a student, you will be on campus daily participating in seminars and lectures. You will have the status of student.