The professional study programme focuses on acquiring practical skills needed for carrying out a profession supported by necessary theoretical knowledge. You will verify everything with our modern laboratory equipment, which is commonly used in industry. You will also undergo a three-month internship at one of our industrial partners. After graduating with a bachelor`s degree, you will be able to continue in any type of a follow-up study programme, or decide to get a job.
What will we teach you?
Modern applications of electronics, microprocessor and sensor technology, automation and networks will be persisting trends for a long time to come. You will be able to immediately apply your knowledge in end-product applications. At the same time the study will guide you through all phases of electronic systems development from design to production. This production is carried out in a prototype laboratory and other labs that have been specifically designed according to the standards of renowned technology companies.
What will you become?
The study will provide you with quality education and skills in the fields of electronics and microprocessor technology, which are widely used in production and service industries. A part of the study is a semestral three-month professional internship in one of our partner companies. Therefore, before you finish your studies, you will already be a sought-after specialist in a technical field with the possibility of finding a career in various branches of industry or project companies. You will find a job as a qualified specialist and technician in design, development, production, testing and maintenance of technical devices and systems using microprocessor technology. You will be able to apply your knowledge of programming and signal processing, sensor technology and communication systems.
What will you study?
You can check the study plan, courses and their contents on our website. Should you have any queries, feel free to contact us.
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Navštivte největší vzdělávací veletrh v ČR. Čeká Vás setkání se studenty Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky. U výstavního stánku zodpovíme s úsměvem Vaše dotazy a předáme zkušenosti se studiem. Těšíme se na Vás!
Courses taken by the first-year students this year
What job can you get?
Úspěšní studenti
Who will be your teachers?
What scholarships can you get
Tuition fees
Full-time study
Full-time form of study will enable you to attend lectures and seminars on a daily basis.