Academically oriented study programme focuses on acquiring theoretical knowledge needed for practising a profession. However, you will have enough opportunity for mastering the necessary practical skills as well. You will be verifying the theory in our modern laboratories as well as during extensive experience connected to our partners in industry.
After graduating with a bachelor`s degree you will be able to continue in any type of a follow-up study programme, or decide to get a job. Selected graduates of a follow-up study programme may continue with a Ph.D. degree.
What will we teach you?
Study in this programme will prepare you for independent creative work and solving complex scientific research tasks based on extensive knowledge both individually or within a team.
What will you become?
This programme will prepare you for job positions as a highly qualified specialist in the fields of information, communication or control technologies with a focus on theoretical and experimental research using modern mathematical methods and advanced research techniques including computer technology. You will also be able to develop applications of research results and implement them in practice. You will find employment in basic and applied research and within the industry.
What will you study?
The crucial part of the study is writing an individually selected dissertation thesis under supervision of an experienced academic or an expert with practical background. During the study you will also do an internship at a selected renowned foreign academic workplace and in a relevant company from the applied sphere.
What are the conditions for being accepted?
You may be accepted to the PhD study programme provided that you have duly and successfully completed a master's degree programme, preferably specializsing in electrical engineering, information, or communication and control technologies.
The entrance examination consists of two parts:
- an oral exam in English language
- an oral exam based on your specialisation within the doctoral studies
The entrance exam requires knowledge of English at a level of B1+ (intermediate). The exam will take the form of a motivational interview. The applicant is supposed to prove their ability to interact indepedently in a conversation related to their personal and professional life using relevant language means and structures. The interview will be based on a conversation about the applicant´s studies, professional background, work experience, and motivation for further education, scientific activities, and research in the given field of research. The applicant is also required to comment on the topic of their dissertation and its impact.
At the specialised exam the applicants are required to prove sufficient knowledge corresponding to a master's degree graduate, and the ability to discuss the topic of their dissertation.
More information about the admission procedure can be viewed here.
Get in Touch
Navštivte největší vzdělávací veletrh v ČR. Čeká Vás setkání se studenty Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky. U výstavního stánku zodpovíme s úsměvem Vaše dotazy a předáme zkušenosti se studiem. Těšíme se na Vás!
You can choose the following topics for your dissertation
- Metodika rychlého prototypování agentově-orientovaných simulátorů
- Hybridní evoluční techniky v analýze „Big dat“
- Moderní metody strojového učení v analýze biomedicínských dat
- Obrazová analýza velikosti a morfologie nanočásticových systémů
- Modelování difrakčních optických soustav
- Statistická přejímka a její vazba na regulaci procesu
Courses taken by the first-year students this year
Úspěšní studenti
What scholarships can you get
Tuition fees
Full-time study
Full-time form of study will enable you to attend lectures and seminars on a daily basis.