The graduate is ready to participate in the teaching profession as a high quality employee, in the scope of the requirements for a beginning teacher formulated in the upcoming teacher standard. This means acting in accordance with the ethics of the teaching profession (i.e. especially with respect for the student, their specific needs and possibilities, with efforts to develop the student's potential to their personal maximum), and basing their professional activity on a wide range of knowledge and skills (subject, subject didactic, pedagogical-psychological – knowledge of goals and contexts of education, knowledge of the curriculum, knowledge of students, learning processes, classroom management, etc.).
According to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, a graduate of English for Education acquires the professional qualification of an English language teacher, which entitles them to perform the regulated profession of pedagogical worker.
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Dveře naší fakulty otevřeme v pátek 2. února 2024 od 10:00 do 17:00 hod.
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Courses taken by the first-year students this year
Graduates and references
What scholarships can you get
Tuition fees
Full-time study
Full-time study has a fixed schedule on weekdays during mornings and/or afternoons. As a student, you will be on campus daily participating in seminars and lectures. You will have the status of student.