The programme is subject to tuition fees of CZK 45,000 (ca. EUR 1,800) per academic year.
Acquired level of English
What will you learn?
Unlock your full potential with our English language program. Achieve C2 proficiency according to the CEFR and gain expert knowledge in linguistics as well as in British and American literature and culture.
You will deepen your knowledge in the fields of pragmatics, stylistics, the historical development of English, and sociolinguistics. You will become familiar with current trends in Anglophone literature and culture, and enhance your skills in interpreting texts as a literary theorist and critic.
You will develop your communication skills at the C2 level and learn to think within broader cultural contexts. On top of all this, you will get an excellent foundation for your potential further studies at the PhD level.
Your prospective career profile
From analysing diverse text types to honing your creative writing skills, you will be well-prepared for success. Plus, become a bridge between Czech and English-speaking worlds, with valuable intercultural insights. You will be a key figure in communication between Czech and English-speaking environments with broad intercultural insight, so you will easily find employment in international companies, publishing and editorial offices or EU institutions.
About the Admission Process
The applicant must complete a Bachelor’s degree in English Philology (English language, literature, and cultural studies).
The applicant must submit their Diploma Thesis Project in English consisting of 1,000–1,500 words (excluding bibliography) and a certificate of completion of the Bachelor’s degree courses.
All the documents must be submitted electronically as attachments to the e-application.
The details about the Admission Process and the diploma thesis project are available on the English Department website.
Navštiv nás
Předměty v rámci tohoto studia
Profesní uplatnění
Úspěšní studenti, absolventi a reference

"Studium anglistiky mi do života přineslo spoustu možností, které bych jinak nikdy nedostala, ať už se jednalo o učitelské výzvy na začátku bakalářského studia, nebo podnikatelské výzvy k jeho konci. Díky studiu anglistiky na UPCE jsem začala vyučovat angličtinu, získala jsem spoustu skvělých kamarádů a kolegů, navíc pak i velké množství kontaktů v pracovní sféře. Do budoucna si tak odnáším nejen aktivní znalost dvou jazyků, ale i spoustu zkušeností ze všech možných oblastí souvisejících se studovanými obory, spoustu skvělých zážitků a krásných vzpomínek."
Kdo Tě bude učit

Jaká můžeš získat stipendia
Poplatky za studium
Merit scholarship
Up to CZK 2,640 in your second year of studies
Accommodation scholarship
For students with permanent residence outside Pardubice up to CZK 550 per month.
Tuition fees
The study of the English Philology programme is charged for the entire period of study; the tuition fee is CZK 45,000 (ca. EUR 1,800) per academic year.
The fee for Admission Process is CZK 2,000 (ca. EUR 80) and is payable by card or bank transfer in the e-admission application.
Prezenční studium
V prezenční formě studia probíhá výuka v kterýkoli všední den, dopoledne i odpoledne. Jako student tedy denně navštěvuješ výuku formou seminářů, přednášek. V prezenční formě studia máš "status studenta".
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